Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chinese Tangram Game

As many people are aware, the Ancient Chinese made considerable advances in the field of mathematics. One of the primary aims of these early Chinese mathematicians was to devise methods for quick calculation for everyday use. In my next post I will look at a very unique and fast method of multiplication, which is still taught today in Chinese schools.

Below however is a Chinese Tangram Game, one of the oldest Chinese puzzles.


Play free Games - a game from Puzzle | Logic Games

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Problem With Math - Symbols

Why is math so confusing to the vast majority of people? What is it about this subject that makes it so intimidating? In my opinion at least, the biggest problem with mathematics is the use of symbols.

Now by 'problem', I mean that this is the element of mathematics that puts most people off at the outset. It is why many complicated math equations look much scarier than they actually are. Hopefully by the end of this post you will agree that while these symbols are actually necessary (and very useful), they're not really as complex as they seem!

Let's take a look at symbols and how we think about them.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Multiplication Trick - 9 Times Tables

Here is a little multiplication trick I learned from a teacher in primary school. It shows you how to remember the 9 times table all the way up to 9 x 10.

Step by Step Multiplication Quiz

Please read the 'Step by Step Multiplication' post before trying this quiz. If you can, do these sums in your head, otherwise use a pen and paper.

Step by Step Multiplication

For an overview on multiplication please read the 'Multiplication - The Faster Way to Add' post on this site. 

Let's get going straight away with some Multiplication. When you're done, why not try out the Multiply Your Maths Step-by-Step Multiplication quiz?

First off, you're going to have to know your multiplication tables. There are a number of methods out there to help people learn these off by heart, so it's simply a matter of finding what works best for you.

Multiplication - The Faster Way To Add

Sadly, like most elements of the math education system multiplication is taught in a way that is largely divorced from reality. It is something to be studied and slaved over when in school, and then abandoned immediately straight after the final maths exam.

Let's try take multiplication back to basics, and look at it not just as a method but as a useful tool. When most people hear the word 'multiplication', they probably think of multiplication tables and hours of learning by rote. While multiplication tables are very useful, they tend to distract people from the essential aim of multiplication. At heart, multiplication is simply a faster way to add.